Reverting to Type - Committed to Print


Last Friday with printmaking and football chants rattling round my brain, myself and young Jonathan went along to The Standpoint Gallery to check out 'Reverting to Type,' an exhibition dedicated solely to letterpress. It was a pretty inspiring exhibition, with some great work.  Letterpress has a quality which i think lies in the craft, its certainly an outcome that just cannot be replicated with digital printing.  One particular print that caught my eye, was the one above, 'Tutti Frutti,' by Hand & Eye Letterpress. The simplicity of the bold type, the colour and the flecked imperfections of the wooden type, caught my eye, and was certainly one of my favourite prints. 

The exhibition has really inspired me to experiment with Letterpress. I want to fuse my ideas in relation to football and select texts to be letter-pressed. I find the thought of introducing the throw away almost trashy football chants and commentaries to the precise craft of letterpress and propelling them into an aesthetic form, where they will almost seem absurd. Within this absurdity lies the charm and allure of the idea.

