

Ive spent the last few days in Paris which has been really great. Paris was fun for lots of reasons, great company, tequila, snails, sushi, snow and Stefan Sagmeister. Sagmeister was giving a free talk at the Pompidou centre, he made a lot of interesting points, about how design should be a calling and not just a job. He also spoke about how you can integrate your interests into your work and that your interests are valid and valuable ideas. Lastly he said you should, 'HAVE GUTS!'

I also went to Pere Lachaise which was really interesting, the sheer scale of the cemetery and some of the monuments is quite hard to take in, I went back to Notre Dame too which just seems more amazing every time I see it.

The one thing I did miss in Paris, was a gig I'd hoped to see, a band called Caandides. Check these boys out, they play good music, CAANDIDES.




now I'm home and all I see is this...


