
I came cross the work of Ben Casey today from The Chase. He was commissioned by Preston North End Football Club to re-design their logo and stationery, a job Ben described as “the perfect self initiated project”, encompassing design, art and football. To answer the brief Casey experimented with Letterpress and which produced some really nice results, so happy were Preston North End, they then asked Casey if he would redesign their STADIUM. For which he created these rather cool designs, based on treating seats as pixels. 


I then came across some work which has been mentioned to me in the past, Lego Letterpress. Justin LaRosa used Lego pieces to print some beautiful prints, which really opened my horizons to the possibilities of Letterpress and really inspired me to experiment with it further.


I want to experiment with colour, maybe creating some gradients or multiple colour prints, and also experiment with some different coloured paper stocks. Im also bidding on some vintage blocks on ebay, so I'm hoping to get them to use soon ! This lego printing coupled with the seats as pixels idea, got me wondering, about the possibilities of a football seat letterpress print, made possible with some polymer plates, we'll see, watch this space.

