
The 100 club is unique, this is down to its age and its history, its value lies in its past.  All of the artists to of played their have left their unique mark on the place, this history has been transferred to the venue physically in its imperfections.

"It always was a sweaty basement but, even by those standards, it is starting to look bad. There are broken chairs, the pictures need replacing and there are holes in the dance floor.
Jeff Horton, 100 Club Manager

Having decided to base my project on the 100 clubs imperfections and 'dated charm' if you like i came across the Japanese world view called 'Wabi-Sabi.' Wabi-sabi can be described as the  beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. It is a beauty of things modest and humble. It is a beauty of things unconventional...

Wabi-Sabi is:

The cracks in the bark of trees that lets us know it is a mature and healthy tree.

The lines in a persons face that lets us know how much they have laughed, thought carefully and grimaced in their lifetime. 

I definitely feel that the 100 Club has Wabi-Sabi, I've always been interested in the beauty of imperfections and how places and objects can develop a personality or soul, so I'm going to push this idea further. Having looked further into the idea of wabi-sabi Ive found that it is linked to the Japanese art of woodblock printing. Because of this and also my love of the iconic wooden stage and backdrop at the 100 club I have started to experiment with woodblock printing and am considering producing a series of woodblock prints as my final outcome.


The exquisite transient beauty to be found in all things impermanent

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There's a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

