Myself and Jonny popped into the 100 Club today and we both had to agree wandering around the place, taking photos, that there definitely is something about the place. You really can feel the history stained into the walls. To call the place tatty would be polite, but despite this you genuinely warm to the place. One of the most striking things is a thick black layer that has formed on the dance-floor, years of dirt, drink, and god knows what, trodden into a black film, its pretty disgusting and amazing in equal measure. I actually got pretty nostalgic on stage looking down at literally hundreds of scuffs, marks and pieces of tape, representative of all the amazing artists that have played the venue. Walking round the place today and taking photos really encouraged me with my idea, I feel like, if done well, my carvings can really capture the essence of the place. I took a lot of photos which I will sift through and post at some point, as some really do capture a little bit of the 100 Club magic.
I also spoke to Jeff Horton, the club manager for quite a bit, it was nice to know the place is in the hands of such a nice bloke, with a real passion for the place, apparently theres a sponsorship/partnership announcement coming up on Monday, so it seems the Club definitely does have a future for now and with Jeff in there I think its in good hands.
After exploring the 100 club I walked up to college to get some advice from the wood workshop.
I walked away with all this amazing wood, given to me by a nice chap in the workshop, Im really excited to get carving now.